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Quality Control

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Gel Craft Healthcare (P) Limited follows strict quality procedures for entire product cycle. It provides complete traceability as well as ensured 3rd party certification where-ever applicable. 

Quality Control

All the raw material are obtained from authentic suppliers, some of them are imported and FDA (US) approved. Vendor management is under strict confidentiality and assured annual supply contract. If you have any novel formulation / product worth exploring for marketing potential, we invite you to get registered with us.

Batch Production Standards

Each batch production is strictly controlled and managed by specialized formulation recipe owned by Company. The standards for post testing is applicable ensuring that production batch is compatible for said products/ items.  A sample material is sent to QC (Technical) to conduct its inhouse testing and generate Quality Analysis Report, leading to approval of batch. 

Special QC Contracts

Clients requiring specific packaging standards as well as additional levels of checking of finished products, accordingly, such protocols are added for the said client. These are often observed with bulk supplies. Accordingly specific formulation/ conforming designs can also be protected by Buyer's using Non-Disclosure Agreements. 

Raw Material Stores

Raw material stores are separately screened and rejected material (expired or damaged during transit) is either disintegrated otherwise sends back to seller. With every bulk lot purchase, sample batch production is conducted followed by QC (Technical) Inspection and if required 3rd party testing as per requirement of fulfilment of Gel properties. 

Production -to- Despatch

Once batch is defined, complete production of items is managed by ERP system as well as document management with responsibility assigned to various sections, duly approved by minimum of 03 departmental heads. Single Form ensures production, packaging and dispatch control/ traceability.  

Finished Products Storage

Prior to packaging, random checking of finished product, its Finnish and cleanliness etc., are ensured by QC (Technical). Once approved and packaging is completed as per Packaging Standards, Finished Products are checked and verified as  per order received. In case of any discrepancy found, verification cycle is completed till it matches the order. Un-approved finished products will be discarded.

Manufacturer's Certification

Manufacturer's quality & production certification from 3rd party/ Regulator are renewed as per their specific terms/ Quality Audit. Product Certification (like REACH/ CE) are also maintained as per their respective norms. Every new OT Positioner is developed ergonomically/ quality vise in accordance with AST Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)


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